Please follow
these Aftercare Instructions
to best take care
of your tattoo.
First-time Tattoo Tips Below
Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo!
When you get home: Remove bandage within 1-2 hours after getting your tattoo. Do not re-bandage. Your tattoo needs to breathe, just like an open wound.
Wash your tattoo with an anti-bacterial liquid soap. Be gentle, do not use a washcloth or anything that will exfoliate your tattoo. Only use your hands.
Gently pat your tattoo dry with a paper towel. Do not rub or use a fabric with a rough surface.
The first 3-4 days: Rub a small amount of lotion/ointment on your tattoo. You may use a tattoo ointment such as Vitalitree or an unscented lotion (with no alcohol in the lotion) like Cetaphil - whatever you know you’re not allergic to. Always use clean hands and do not place your fingers back into the ointment after touching your tattoo. Make sure to rub the ointment in so that it is not shiny, or greasy - you want the thinnest amount possible. Pat off any excess ointment with a clean paper towel. Do not use Vaseline, petroleum jelly, Neosporin, or Bag Balm. Wash, dry, and apply lotion/ointment 1-3 times daily, as needed.
On the first night, you may want to wrap your tattoo in saran wrap to prevent sticking to your bedding. Do not use any cloth bandages or pads, as the fibers of this material can adhere to your open tattoo and hinder the healing process.
Wear clean, soft clothing over your tattoo for the first 2 weeks - nothing abrasive or irritating. For a foot tattoo: go barefoot as much as possible. If you must wear shoes, first wrap your clean tattoo in saran wrap, then cover with a clean cotton sock before putting on your shoe. Avoid sandals or flip-flops for this period to prevent chafing and damage to the tattoo.
After day 3 or 4 your tattoo will begin to peel. This is normal. Do not pick at the skin. Being using a mild, white, unscented lotion, free of dyes or Perfumes.
Use lotion for a minimum of 2 weeks, 1-2 times daily.
Things to Avoid…
Do not pick, scratch, peel, slap, rub, or irritate your tattoo
You can shower, but you may not soak your tattoo for 2 weeks. No swimming, soaking, or hot tub.
You may not expose your tattoo to the sun for at least 3 weeks, after that you must use sunblock.
Do not wear abrasive materials, jewelry, or shoes that rub against your tattoo.
Do not let anyone touch your tattoo.
Beware of gym equipment; wash it well before using it.
You Can Also
Ice your tattoo to reduce swelling.
Elevate your tattoo to reduce swelling.
Take short showers.
In case of infection please contact your doctor immediately. If you need to see a doctor regarding an infection, you must let the shop and your tattooer know immediately.
How to identify an infected tattoo:
Waves of heat and cold
Abnormal shivering
Swelling of the tattooed area
Pus coming out of the area
Red lesions around the area
Red streaking from the area
Areas of hard, raised tissue

First time getting tattooed?
Here are some helpful tips.
Wear sunscreen in the area to be tattooed for the week prior to when you are scheduled to get your tattoo. It is important that you do not get sunburned prior to your tattoo - we can’t tattoo sunburned skin.
Do not drink alcohol the night prior to the tattoo or the day of the tattoo.
Drink plenty of water the week of your tattoo so your skin is healthy and hydrated for the day of your tattoo.
Get plenty of rest the night prior to your tattoo session.
Eat a well-balanced meal prior to your tattoo.
Get a doctor’s note if you have a medical condition that would concern us about you getting tattooed. If you have questions about what medical conditions might concern us, please call and ask us.
Make sure to bring your ID. We cannot tattoo you if you do not have a valid, current ID.
If you are sick, please reschedule your appointment. It might take longer to get your tattoo, but your body and your tattoo shop will thank you.
Do not get tattooed while antibiotics are in your system. This raises your risk of infection or other issues.
Do not get a tattoo before or after a surgery. This raises your risk of infection or other issues. If you have had a recent surgery or a surgery coming up get it cleared through your doctor prior to getting tattooed.
Dress comfortably and wear clothes that you do not mind getting ruined. There is a possibility that ink and blood may get on your clothing.
Shower/Bathe before your tattoo appointment.
Bring things that might make the tattoo easier for you. Examples: snacks, headphones, water bottle (we have water refills), books, cell phone charger. Please note that no food can be consumed in the tattooing area, and must be eaten in the designated areas (lobby).
Do not be late for your tattoo. We understand that sometimes traffic can make you late, but if you are running late, please call us and let us know. Last minute cancellations can result in the loss of your deposit.
Communicate with your artist.
If you do not like how your design is developing, make sure you communicate that with your artist and give them the opportunity to address these concerns. We do not want you getting a tattoo that you do not like.
If you feel like the placement of the stencil looks off, tell your artist. Your tattoo is forever please make sure you are happy with everything before getting tattooed.
If there is something you would like touched up at the end of your tattoo session, let your artist know.
Come in with a positive attitude. A “can-do” attitude can make the process go a lot easier for you. We understand that it can be an overwhelming experience, but your attitude can make all the difference
Do not be afraid to ask the artist to take a break. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, feeling faint, or feeling sick, or just need to use the restroom, please let us know. Sometimes we get so involved with the tattoo we do not realize that you might not be feeling well.